There has been a change in menu for conference call nights. I am laying down the bottle for a nice juicy apple. Yeah-- I know-- wtf?

It started 2 weeks ago, I was in class and had a whole conversation about apples with Leigh. Leigh is very into living natural and eating organic/vegan. But anyway, she mentioned how she really believes in the "apple a day will keep the dr. away." So, I thought that was cool and I'd rather not go to the doctor. And then she added that—duh it's fall—apples are in season right now and really amazing. That did it for me. I craved apples all that day and picked up a 1/2 peck as soon as I got to Whole Foods that night. I've been eating at least 1 a day since.
(Leigh, being shy in class)
So, I have kicked the wine for a bit and substituted apples in its place. I prefer Gala or Golden apples but will settle for any kind and yes they are in season and very good. There is only one problem. I just got off my 2nd or 3rd "apple" conference call... and I could really use a glass of wine right now.