Yay, I'm finally all done with school, graduation parties, and drinking away the slight depression that follows the ending of an era of my life.
This past monday was my big graduation day at the famed Radio City Music Hall. Yes for all of my musical friends, I did get to walk across the stage and sorry Aren but I got to be there before you.
Mom and Dad flew all the way from Antigo, Wisconsin to see me graduate. It was pretty cool. They have visited me twice in the past 5 years and this was the 2nd time. I didn't think I would care if they came or not but I realized on graduation day––as I was standing outside of Radio City Music Hall–– it would really suck if I didn't have someone waiting for me when I was done. I'm really glad they made it and I really enjoyed their visit it meant a lot that they could share that moment with me. We saw a Broadway show with Angela Lansbury, rode the tourist bus to Harlem and back, ate some exotic foods in Chinatown and k-town, and got tipsy in their hotel room. It was fun.
I think I'm finally adjusting to not having homework to do. My initial instinct is to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL and I have been doing quite well at that since the last day of class. Well, that's not totally true, I've been partying a lot and watching a ton of Netflix. But I do think I'm getting to the point where I'm ready for my next big adventure and to start working towards it.
I've decided to try something new but in pure fear of counting unhatched chickens I'm not going to post it on here yet. I have lots of planning to do before I'll do that. But It does required that I move out of NYC... So that's enough of a preview to my big plan for now.
There are also some immediate plans I need to get out of the way and I'll broadcast them loudly for all to hear (or read). They are:
- Finish my Spin Instructor certification (just completed!!!)
- Throw the awesomest 80's Bachelorette party for my BFF Dana (Next weekend)
- Gather as many freelance projects and clients as possible (hint, hint, for anyone reading this, Hook me up!!!)
- Update my website/business cards/Resume/CV
- Design a super sweet Logo for a Life Coach/Creative Wings
- Design another banner for Words At Play (going for better than the last one I did)
- Run another Marathon this year (in NY or elsewhere, I hear in Germany they drink beer and eat bratwurst after their done)

I woke up this week realizing that although Dad was a cop for 30 years and worked at one job, he was actually an entrepreneur at heart. He was always doing something on the side, building houses, mounting game (yes taxidermy), cutting wood to sell or boughs for wreaths. Anyway this made me realize I think I have a little bit of that in me. I like design, and maybe I'll be a designer/manager for a job but I'm also going to try my hand at the Spin instructor thing, and see what else I can dabble in to keep my curiosities satisfied. I might even pick up my camera again and start shooting again. But I'm happy like this and just doing what my heart tells me to do.
Oh but first I have to pick up my diploma.