I just turned 27, and I know that's not "old" by any means but I feel a little old be doing my first blog ever. But here it goes. I suppose I don't really have to share it with anyone anyway. But I will.
I'm starting it now because I'm easily influenced by those around me. And when I say those around me, I'm really referring to like 2 friends who blog and I want to be cool like them. I guess I can send my mom here to keep her posted as well.
So, I've lived in NYC for a little over 4 years and I've realized either I've lost all of my NY pictures or I just don't really take pictures of New York. I think some of that has to do with the fact that I've never gotten to be a tourist in NY. I came here for an internship the first time when I was 20 and it's kinda that situation where you have to like it because your going to live here for a while and fortunately for me I loved it. So when I finally moved here for good (or for now) I packed up all my belongings, had a rummage sale at my parents home in Wisconsin and sold or gave away everything that didn't fit into two suitcases. I owned 3 pairs of shoes when I moved here--1-dress shoe, 1 for running, 1 caual/work shoe.
Recently, I've found that I want to get back to that simplicity. It was out of necessity then but now I just have too much stuff. so my goal for the next few months is to cut down. It is not easy however, I've already tried and I keep having to buy more stuff for graduate school so every time I get rid of one thing I buy 5 more books. ugh.

When I get a moment to myself I grab my running shoes and hit up the parks or gym. It will all be worth it as my friend Eric says "when [I'm] rolling around in [my] billions of $$." And I really hope so!
Lately there has been this huge urge to travel in the back of my mind. My friend Sarah showed me wherethehellismatt.com and I just can't wait to finish school and make some travel plans. I'd love to figure out how to travel for work, I guess I have 7 months to figure that out.
Let's go to Greece. I've been dreaming about it lately. Screw saving for a house or paying for diapers. Meet me at the airport. Suitcase optional.
I just realized how silly it is when I comment and it looks like Lily and Logan are commenting. Everyone else will think you're friends with a pair of babies. For all of you people... the babies are NOT actually saying this stuff. Or... maybe they are (Cue twilight zone music)
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