Sarah's hubby works for People magazine, which is across the street from my job, and they have two adorable gremlins Lily and Logan. Well, Lil and Lo get to play at day care one day a week while Sarah taps her creative ingenious mind to write for organic beauty products (ones that don't give you rashes or make your face peel off). So today on her way to pick up the little squeeges, she stopped by to say hello AND give me some really great home-cooked food.
I am the luckiest girl alive. SB brought me two perfectly portioned ramekins full of homemade mac-n-cheese with Parmesan cheese topping them and verbal instructions of how to cook it at home in order to make the cheese all crispy on the top (psst Sarah, it worked). Plus, I have a huge bowl of turkey chili waiting for me at work (Yay, lunch for maƱana).

Oh, and to top it off--this is the real jem--she got me Cat Butt Stickers! And apparently from information on the world wide web there is a whole trend of cat butt propoganda (perhaps I'm in the wrong industry). Sarah is a girl after my own heart, she is make your bff mac-n-cheese then buy her cat butt stickers good.

Wait, I'm witty? It's funny because I never think of myself that way. Silly, sunny, sensitive... yes. But never witty. Glad you liked the grub. It's always my pleasure. xo
If SB is the same SB from Words At Play than I was just acquainted w/ Mrs.SB and she IS great ... I'm followin' some of her advice right now! and I must say your blog is super and I hope to follow it regularly ...
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