Anyway, the other day in my creative area (8 drab cubicles full of colorful people), Cathy and I were talking about birthdays because it is officially Leo season. Most of our department is comprised of Leos. It's not unusual to find a couple Leos in a creative department and I'm sure if you'll have one or two in your "design studio" if you ask. Anyway, Cathy and I were discussing what we should do for a co-worker's birthday and it got me to thinking: "there is a whole set of rules for office etiquette." So, I thought I'd put my Wisconsin Girl spin on it and here it goes:
Birthdays Rule:
First of all, upon landing a job in a NY "creative department" you should find a friend. Be careful to pick wisely because you and this friend are mutually responsible for making each others' birthdays (within the office space) spectacular and the talk of the office. This means whomever you choose as your office BFF must know what type of cake, pie, frosting, and diet that you require for your big day and you are obliged to return the favor. This also means that if you do not establish a reliable office buddy... you're screwed. Well not necessarily, the entire department might feel a need to do something but this is not guaranteed. So if you want a balloon and cake (or pie) to show up on your "21st" b-day, make sure you find your office soul mate.
Tips: Look for the guy or girl who is very organized, seems to remember details and keeps an address book. Virgos are organized, Leos are loyal, Cancers are extremely friendly and Libras have a good sense of balance. Buddy up to any of these and you're golden (maybe).
This one is pretty simple and most of you who are "in the know" will have learned this from the TV series Mad Men. You should keep your drawer stocked with some sort of headache relief pills. However, in "real" creative departments there may be categories of "Advil." First, it's important to know that generic Ibuprofen is the same as "Advil" but much cheaper at Duane Reade. Secondly, since you are--or desire to be--in the creative department, you now leave your standards at the security turnstile. It no longer matters if that "Advil" had been at the bottom of your purse immersed among lip gloss and loose change. When it's needed, you and your co-workers will consume "bottom of the purse Advil" or even "bottom of the drawer Advil."
Tips: "Purse Advil" is a little fresher and cleaner than "Bottom of the drawer Advil" and when possible go for the "in the bottle gel capsule Advil." But never be snobby, because you never know when a headache will hit.
Lunch Rule: Lunch is very similar to birthdays. You should establish a lunch partner, it does not have to be the same as your birthday buddy. Personally I love to eat early and have chosen the perfect lunch partner.
It is 12:15. Cathy calls..."I'm starving"
I respond "OMG, I was just thinking the same thing. I'm going with you"
Cathy says "Okay lets' go"
Tips: The keys to a successful lunch partner are similar mealtimes, similar diet preferences and similar budgets. If you like to eat at 1200 and you pick a lunch partner who can wait until 1400, you might have some difficulties.
Water Cooler (when we are lucky enough to have water) Banter Rule:
Water cooler banter is very common in the creative department. So common that it's kind of the norm. In my office we completely forgo the actual water cooler and just talk over the cubicles. To some this would seem annoying... and yes sometimes it is. Those who are annoyed (including myself) will put their headphones on. This is sort of a prerequisite to working in a creative environment. Normally the creative department is stuffed into a closet and like it or not, creatives talk.
Tips: This one is pretty simple, bring an ipod, headphones, and when partaking in banter: look both ways and have an exit strategy. The phrases "So, I'll send you those files..." is a pretty good strategy but the more creative you are, the better.
Smoking Rule:
As an ex-smoker, I'm not an advocate of office smoking. However, as a new Mad Men convert, I understand it may be integral to some peoples' lives. If you must smoke, keep it to a minimum and do try to quit.
Tips: Essentially NEVER smell the elevator or the office up. Take a walk while you smoke, do not use perfume to cover it up, wash your hands (Purell does not count as washing) and please try to quit. I know it's hard, I've been there, but try.
So that's it for tonight, I have a few more: "Punching out", "Happy Hour" and more but I'm sleepy. I worked today.
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