People are amazing. I mean the normal every day person not the superstar, not the super athlete, but YOU... is what makes life worth living, makes every day... a day. I agree those super-people are good at looking good on a camera or swimming really ridiculously fast but they are not what makes life simply beautiful and amazing. It's friends, family, and that nice girl who knows your coffee order by heart even after you avoided her for 6 months, the chick who sometimes beats you to the exact spot where the train door opens in the morning (we both know that we both know... grrrr), or the annoying panhandler who always asks for cash OR a smile (but at least you don't feel bad just smiling, I'll keep my cash thank you).

So, I guess if there is one thing I've learned in NY it is that
people matter. Yeah I want them all out of my way 99.999% of the time BUT I think I secretly like it and without everyone there would be no magic. Nothing to question. No buzz or vibe in the air to get you charged.

So, thanks NY for being absolutely annoying and amazing at the same time. hm...Now I'm just more confused than when I began this. great.

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