New York smells, and it smells pretty bad. You can ask anyone who's been here or lives here. There are these "pockets" of smells that you run into on your way to work, in the park or just going to get groceries. I know Wisconsin has skunk smell, fresh manure smell, and the occasional dead animal on the side of the road smell, but the smells here are much much more offensive (yes more offensive than dead deer or the neighbor "spreading"). Usually a normal storm in NY just kinda re-wets the dried smells and although you'd hope that rain would wash all that nastiness away... there's much more nastiness than you can imagine.
WELLLLL, yesterday Hurricane Hannah down poured on NYC from 2pm until I was passed out with my cat (so like 2am ish). And this morning I was pleasantly surprised to not smell New York! It was very noticeably CLEAN!!!!! AND very exciting. There was rubbish on the street but it was mostly leaves and twigs (well a few cigarette butts too) but that is not normal for this location.
Even my friend Aren—who is a native New Yorker—noticed the difference. He was in Brazil/Peru for the past few weeks and he was so lucky to come back today to a clean/fresh/sunny NYC. When I came back from Wisconsin it was 80 degrees at 8pm and sticky. Also I was fortunate enough to get a true NYC welcome from the cab driver who took me home. He must have had his windows closed all day and I'm thinking he didn't believe in artificial deoderizers. ewww.
So anyway, I guess it takes a Hurricane to downpour on NY to get that grossness out. Regardless It was the nicest walk to school this morning and I wish it could smell this fresh every day! Yay for Hurricane Hannah.
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