9 to 5
Work is good. I guess I never posted this on here... huh. Well, I work for a cosmetics company which is a girls dream. The tom-boy on my left shoulder says.."uh, no way. I'm not girly, that's so lame... ha, makeup? really?" But the little princess on my right shoulder shouts "OMG... I get to play dress-up all day every day, it's like real life Barbie time!!!" Okay that was even a bit too girly for me, but yeah I like it. It could be worse.
I have one of those "cool non-specific media jobs" that is perfect for women. I'm a graphic designer so I get to make pictures all day. In reality it is a lot more work than that (for all of you who learned some photoshop or indesign and think you could do my job) but it's also a lot of fun.
So, when you smush together a creative job at a place that sells makeup to young women, work gets interesting and really fun. I actually was playing with twitter all day today to figure out what uses it could have for my company, and what our twitter would look and sound like. So, yay for work and yay for tweets.
Honestly tho, at the end of the day it's not where I work or the work that I do, it is the people I work with and I have the best co-workers ever.
After 9 to 5
I just finished another semester of Pratt Design Management!!! And we only have 4 more classes and 1 thesis to go. This will probably be the busiest time ever for me but, the light is there, I can see it. We (my classmates and I) are all so close and come May... I will be the happiest Wisconsin Girl in NY.

Getting out of town
Mom and Dad haven't expressed too much disappointment yet, but I didn't go home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Instead, I was in Brooklyn for Thanksgiving and for Christmas I flew to Hawaii. Well, technically I spent Christmas in Minneapolis and New York but I consider the time I just spent in Hawaii my Christmas vacation. Besides, I did go to a Christmas party while in Oahu and there were Christmas presents all over the place so, I'm considering it a week-long Christmas.

Because I did not get to Wisconsin for the Holidays, I guess my next trip out of NY will be the good ol' home state. I might loose my "best-daughter-ever" status if I don't go there next and I really miss my family and friends. Dana is getting married in June so the current plan is to go home the week before the wedding, throw the best bachelorette party ever at my parents cabin on the lake, then stay on a lake for the week and visit with friends. I'll read some trashy novels and go to the wedding the following weekend. I'm not sure if I can afford that much time off of work yet but if I start saving now I think I can swing it.
For the end of 2009 I really want to travel to SE Asia. I had planned to do it right after graduation but Dana planned to get married at the same time. Friends win out over geographic Locations...SE Asia will just have to wait for me. Maybe I'll go right after I finish the ING Marathon in November but I really don't know what the year will bring. Maybe I'll get a travel companion but I'm also not the easiest person to travel with. I'm cheap, don't mind being dirty and I like to walk/hike a lot, most of my friends do not like any of that. And Maybe I don't really know the SE Asia plan yet.
(I do realize that I'm strange, at work I'm super-girly and wear a dress every day but outside of work I'm a tom-boy, I blame that on my Dad).
Extra Curricular Activities
Regardless of a busy schedule I'm still running. When I started at Pratt, the professor who interviewed me, told me that I should NOT stop running and keep it up even when my schedule got tight. She was so right and I thank her for that advice.
Since my Junior year at UWSP I've used running as an outlet. If I feel stressed, I go for a run. Tired, I go for a run. Pissed off? Yep, run. It's great therapy and I'm so glad I did not stop for Grad school it's gotten me through some really really tough times this year. It makes me happy.
It makes me SO happy I'm doing it to celebrate New Years. Yes, I will probably be running without any of my friends but there will be thousands of people to join me. Hey, maybe I'll even make a new friend or two, I guess we'll see what tomorrow night brings.

So, that's the catch-up update for 2008, Sorry for the lack of pics but, my camera is out of commission and I just don't have anything new. hmmm... maybe I'll steal some from my other web presences.
1 comment:
I love that you quoted from Target Women!
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