1 Jedd & Kai
1 Jedd & Kai's Apartment
1 Jacci
1 Kate
2 or 3 groups of friends
1 dish to pass per person
several forms of alcoholic beverages
2 cameras randomly placed in the apartment
1 itunes playlist
1 dj

Begin by preparing the Bloody Mary's before most people arrive. Jedd, Kai, Jacci and Kate consume the Bloodies. Scatter people around Jedd & Kai's apartment as needed, Add generous amounts of wine, spiked cider, and more Bloody Mary's. Once the 2 or 3 groups of friends have fully arrived, begin heating the dishes. Stir in some music from Jedd's itunes playlist and wait approximately 4 to 5 hours to serve. This will allow for all guest to become pleasantly intoxicated with the holiday season.

Start serving the food but only after Kate and Will attempt to start eating without permission.

After several servings of dinner and dessert all guest should but ready for the entertainment. Put the DJ in the other room and have him whip up hours of entertainment by giving him access to Jedd's itunes account.

Top off Thanksgiving with a few more bottles of wine & cider. Finally, finish with each guest taking a turn behind the make-shift "stage door" of Jedd & Kai's parlor.

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