The texts stated:
#1 he knows about your blog. hope you are ready for personal and possible legal implications.
#2 make sure he has nothing on you. not worth risking your reputation. from a friend
(exact punctuation, capitalization and spacing, for accuracy)

Holy cow!!! Someone is actually reading this!?!?!?!? I'm floored. I just write on here to vent and a couple friends stop by to say hi or see what I'm up to. It's like an open Facebook account but it's okay to talk only about myself on here at all times because, well, it's MY blog. :-)
So anyway, back to the purpose of this little blog all about me. I have since deleted my previous blog post 'And the Award for All time worst "Random Act of Guyness" goes to...' This post was a true story about my really bad ex-boyfriend who lied to me about having cancer so that he could cheat on his girlfriend and me... it's complicated but regardless I'm over it.
Txt #2 was right in two words "not worth." The whole thing was not worth my time, energy or anything for that matter. I've been over that situation for quite some time. So much so that I'd almost forgotten about it. I'm good at starting over, I've had to do it a lot. So I figure why not erase that little post just as I've erased that sleazy guy from my life? And with the miracle of techmology, I was able to do that in less than a minute. Woot for techmology!
Hmmm.... I am just assuming that "Random Act of Guyness" is what the anonymous txt was about. Shoot, what if someone is denying that I'm their friend or Eric is upset that I revealed my attendance at the Xmas party in Hawaii? Geeze I hope that's not the case.
Side Note: In case anyone--Since I now have admirers--is wondering, Yes everything I write on her is 100% truth. I don't feel the need to lie about anything here... I just tell it as it is. Besides that would be like making up your facebook status.
dang! that's some craziness...
Ha. You linked to the video. Good for you for deleting it ALL from your life.
I'm a girl from Wisconsin, enjoying all your truth from New York City! Many people can't handle the truth... so be it. Love your blog!
~Maya from Western Wisconsin :)
Jones, yeah that is some craziness.
Lily and Lo, there's still more to delete but I'm taking care of that today! gym membership? gone.
Maya, awe thanks! and Yay Western Wisconsin!
Ok now I'm leaving a comment as myself. I forgot I was signed onto the twins' blog.
hee hee.
Had fun at lunch with you today
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