I've trimmed my own hair before but never given myself a real hair cut.
I am becoming a seasoned hair cutter. Every Sunday is haircut day for Eric. Instead of using a barber he has--conveniently for him--trained me to give him a nice clean man cut. I've gotten used to using clippers and I think I even do a decent fade. However, I'm a girl so unless I want to look like a boy I've got to use different techniques when cutting my hair.
Eric helped me last time and gave me a decent cut. It was pretty standard but clean and looked better with less dead gross dyed ends. The bangs got a little over cut last time. I take full credit and I persevered with a few bobby pins until they were long enough to let down.
So today I decided I needed a new do. I'm trying to grow out the disgusting dyed blonde hairs and cut them off. I'm about halfway so I can't quite get rid of all of them and I do not look nice with a bob. I weighed all my options and got a pair of scissors, well two pairs of scissors. An hour later, voila! I'm super stoked that I cut my own hair today. There are still some dead gross dyed ends that remain but now they look a little bit nicer and I've gotten rid of a whole dustpan full of grossness.
1 Week ago: My hair was out of control!!! Gross.

Today: Post haircut

1 comment:
Looks good, but I think I may need to trim your bangs back down again...
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