Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Countdown to Conference time!

Just waiting for a skype conference call to begin so I thought I'd go a little nutso with the photobooth images. Basically, I really hate to be late. Correction: if I can help it I'm never late. So when I have a conference call I am online for like 20 min to a half hour prior. It's just a little Kate quirk. I'm perpetually early if I can be. It's kind of a burden. So I'm filling some of that time with well... this.
So, here is the early-to-conference-call routine :
1) pick up a bottle of red or white wine on the way home OR
1) hurry home and run in Astoria Park (preferably 5.5-6 miles)
2) hurry home, shower or crack the bottle of red wine
3) turn on some tunes (thank you ex-bf for a nice Bose sound doc!)
4) go online, do some homework or ... or... that's about it. do some homework.
5) call mom but establish the fact that I have a conference call so I will need to go soon. OR
5) Call Stacey and do the same.
6) log on to skype... and ichat... no one is on. hmph.
7) 10 more minutes to waste...........
8) finish my very tiny but very needed glass of wine!
9) oh, I hear skype bubbles (claire arrives early too)...Conference begins! woot.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Too old to start blogging?

I just turned 27, and I know that's not "old" by any means but I feel a little old be doing my first blog ever. But here it goes. I suppose I don't really have to share it with anyone anyway. But I will.

I'm starting it now because I'm easily influenced by those around me. And when I say those around me, I'm really referring to like 2 friends who blog and I want to be cool like them. I guess I can send my mom here to keep her posted as well.

So, I've lived in NYC for a little over 4 years and I've realized either I've lost all of my NY pictures or I just don't really take pictures of New York. I think some of that has to do with the fact that I've never gotten to be a tourist in NY. I came here for an internship the first time when I was 20 and it's kinda that situation where you have to like it because your going to live here for a while and fortunately for me I loved it. So when I finally moved here for good (or for now) I packed up all my belongings, had a rummage sale at my parents home in Wisconsin and sold or gave away everything that didn't fit into two suitcases. I owned 3 pairs of shoes when I moved here--1-dress shoe, 1 for running, 1 caual/work shoe.

Recently, I've found that I want to get back to that simplicity. It was out of necessity then but now I just have too much stuff. so my goal for the next few months is to cut down. It is not easy however, I've already tried and I keep having to buy more stuff for graduate school so every time I get rid of one thing I buy 5 more books. ugh.

I'm going to grad school at Pratt for Design Management--the identification and allocation of creative assets for a sustainable strategic advantage--and I spend most of my time at work, at school or on conference calls. I periodically take a photobooth shot mid-homework to remember how great the hard work is (or how great it will be to be done in May).

When I get a moment to myself I grab my running shoes and hit up the parks or gym. It will all be worth it as my friend Eric says "when [I'm] rolling around in [my] billions of $$." And I really hope so!

Lately there has been this huge urge to travel in the back of my mind. My friend Sarah showed me and I just can't wait to finish school and make some travel plans. I'd love to figure out how to travel for work, I guess I have 7 months to figure that out. For now Wisconsin will have to be the furthest I travel until thesis is complete. That's fine with me tho, I'll get to have some good beer in a few weeks. What Wisco girl could turn down beer?