Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Playing Catch-up 2008

The title of this post brought me back to being a kid in Wisconsin.
I have two older sisters, Sarah and Alison and when we were young (me being the youngest girl) if we went on a bike ride, I always had to catch up. Part of that was because Sarah and Alison had ten-speed bikes and Kate had a awesome Schwinn pedal bike. On North Pole Road there was a big hill if you turned left out of our driveway and for some reason Sarah and Alison zipped up that hill while little Kate was still at the bottom playing catch-up... But anyway, back to present time. I realized I need to do some serious updates on this blog and have some catching-up to do. Here it goes:

9 to 5
Work is good. I guess I never posted this on here... huh. Well, I work for a cosmetics company which is a girls dream. The tom-boy on my left shoulder says.."uh, no way. I'm not girly, that's so lame... ha, makeup? really?" But the little princess on my right shoulder shouts "OMG... I get to play dress-up all day every day, it's like real life Barbie time!!!" Okay that was even a bit too girly for me, but yeah I like it. It could be worse.

I have one of those "cool non-specific media jobs" that is perfect for women. I'm a graphic designer so I get to make pictures all day. In reality it is a lot more work than that (for all of you who learned some photoshop or indesign and think you could do my job) but it's also a lot of fun.

So, when you smush together a creative job at a place that sells makeup to young women, work gets interesting and really fun. I actually was playing with twitter all day today to figure out what uses it could have for my company, and what our twitter would look and sound like. So, yay for work and yay for tweets.

Honestly tho, at the end of the day it's not where I work or the work that I do, it is the people I work with and I have the best co-workers ever.

After 9 to 5
I just finished another semester of Pratt Design Management!!! And we only have 4 more classes and 1 thesis to go. This will probably be the busiest time ever for me but, the light is there, I can see it. We (my classmates and I) are all so close and come May... I will be the happiest Wisconsin Girl in NY.The next few months, however, will consist of Tuesday and Thursday Conference call nights, and probably another one thrown in on Wednesday. Friday and Monday nights I'll be doing homework.... Huh, looks like I'm booked already. Oh well, I have that last day in May to look forward to and I have a great thesis group to help me get through it.

Getting out of town
Mom and Dad haven't expressed too much disappointment yet, but I didn't go home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Instead, I was in Brooklyn for Thanksgiving and for Christmas I flew to Hawaii. Well, technically I spent Christmas in Minneapolis and New York but I consider the time I just spent in Hawaii my Christmas vacation. Besides, I did go to a Christmas party while in Oahu and there were Christmas presents all over the place so, I'm considering it a week-long Christmas.
In July of this year I visited Eric in Hawaii. I wanted to go back, so I did. Luckily Eric wanted me to come back too. We went Kayaking, made awesome guacamole and tacos, became slightly-versed in "Tropic Thunder" quotations, and braved wild sharks off the North Shore of Oahu (they made us stay in the cage tho). Then, Eric took me and his motorcycle over to Maui for a weekend adventure. We saw amazing sun rises, camped on a mountain, camped on the beach, and enjoyed every inch of coastline Maui had to offer from his BMW bike. It was pretty sweet.

Because I did not get to Wisconsin for the Holidays, I guess my next trip out of NY will be the good ol' home state. I might loose my "best-daughter-ever" status if I don't go there next and I really miss my family and friends. Dana is getting married in June so the current plan is to go home the week before the wedding, throw the best bachelorette party ever at my parents cabin on the lake, then stay on a lake for the week and visit with friends. I'll read some trashy novels and go to the wedding the following weekend. I'm not sure if I can afford that much time off of work yet but if I start saving now I think I can swing it.

For the end of 2009 I really want to travel to SE Asia. I had planned to do it right after graduation but Dana planned to get married at the same time. Friends win out over geographic Locations...SE Asia will just have to wait for me. Maybe I'll go right after I finish the ING Marathon in November but I really don't know what the year will bring. Maybe I'll get a travel companion but I'm also not the easiest person to travel with. I'm cheap, don't mind being dirty and I like to walk/hike a lot, most of my friends do not like any of that. And Maybe I don't really know the SE Asia plan yet.

(I do realize that I'm strange, at work I'm super-girly and wear a dress every day but outside of work I'm a tom-boy, I blame that on my Dad).

Extra Curricular Activities
Regardless of a busy schedule I'm still running. When I started at Pratt, the professor who interviewed me, told me that I should NOT stop running and keep it up even when my schedule got tight. She was so right and I thank her for that advice.

Since my Junior year at UWSP I've used running as an outlet. If I feel stressed, I go for a run. Tired, I go for a run. Pissed off? Yep, run. It's great therapy and I'm so glad I did not stop for Grad school it's gotten me through some really really tough times this year. It makes me happy.

It makes me SO happy I'm doing it to celebrate New Years. Yes, I will probably be running without any of my friends but there will be thousands of people to join me. Hey, maybe I'll even make a new friend or two, I guess we'll see what tomorrow night brings.
Also, I'm very excited to get to train for the marathon in 2009! I've foregone two qualified ING marathons for school and can not wait for those long Saturday runs. I know it's insane and most people never want to do it but I love it. The best parts are: making the pre-marathon run mix for my ipod and remembering the music I trained with; eating everything!; sleeping all day on Saturday after a long run without an ounch of guilt; eating everything!; hugging my friends on the marathon route; getting an overpriced massage after it's all over; finishing with thousands of people who have their own exciting stories.

So, that's the catch-up update for 2008, Sorry for the lack of pics but, my camera is out of commission and I just don't have anything new. hmmm... maybe I'll steal some from my other web presences.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Wisconsin Thanksgiving in Bed Stuy

Recipe for a successful Thanksgiving in NYC:
1 Jedd & Kai
1 Jedd & Kai's Apartment
1 Jacci
1 Kate
2 or 3 groups of friends
1 dish to pass per person 
several forms of alcoholic beverages
2 cameras randomly placed in the apartment
1 itunes playlist
1 dj

Begin by preparing the Bloody Mary's before most people arrive. Jedd, Kai, Jacci and Kate consume the Bloodies. Scatter people around Jedd & Kai's apartment as needed, Add generous amounts of wine, spiked cider, and more Bloody Mary's. Once the 2 or 3 groups of friends have fully arrived, begin heating the dishes. Stir in some music from Jedd's itunes playlist and wait approximately 4 to 5 hours to serve. This will allow for all guest to become pleasantly intoxicated with the holiday season. 
Start serving the food but only after Kate and Will attempt to start eating without permission.
After several servings of dinner and dessert all guest should but ready for the entertainment. Put the DJ in the other room and have him whip up hours of entertainment by giving him access to Jedd's itunes account.

Top off Thanksgiving with a few more bottles of wine & cider. Finally, finish with each guest taking a turn behind the make-shift "stage door" of Jedd & Kai's parlor. 

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Apple is the new Wine

There has been a change in menu for conference call nights. I am laying down the bottle for a nice juicy apple. Yeah-- I know-- wtf?
It started 2 weeks ago, I was in class and had a whole conversation about apples with Leigh. Leigh is very into living natural and eating organic/vegan. But anyway, she mentioned how she really believes in the "apple a day will keep the dr. away." So, I thought that was cool and I'd rather not go to the doctor. And then she added that—duh it's fall—apples are in season right now and really amazing. That did it for me. I craved apples all that day and picked up a 1/2 peck as soon as I got to Whole Foods that night. I've been eating at least 1 a day since.
(Leigh, being shy in class)

So, I have kicked the wine for a bit and substituted apples in its place. I prefer Gala or Golden apples but will settle for any kind and yes they are in season and very good. There is only one problem. I just got off my 2nd or 3rd "apple" conference call... and I could really use a glass of wine right now.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

my island

Just when I'm totally sick of this place it goes and does something amazing like this. :-)
oh NY.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Random acts of guy-ness

No offense to my male friends, and Im' not trying to be snotty but some men are strange. I just don't get it sometimes. Perhaps it's the blond-hair and blue eyes that drives them to temporary moments of insanity... Oh Wait, one guy actually told me it was indeed my blond hair and blue eyes.

Anyway, some men are just absolutely strange and I have the stories to prove it. Liz and I were talking about this and I decided I had enough stories for the "Random Acts of Guy-ness blog." I'll use pseudonyms to protect any identity. However, if one of the stories sounds a bit too familiar... take a hint and consider some new dating tactics please.

Maybe some of you guys can explain these behaviors to me but for now I'm just confused. Again I'm starting as far back as I can remember and working my way to present day. Just some examples of what NOT to do....

1) Hit on a 14 year old in the mall when she is with her mom.
I was 13, maybe 14 and with my mom. Okay, so right there any normal person knows that you do not hit on the young girl who is with her mother. Well, I guess the blue eyes caused some temporary insanity for the first time. As I started, I was with my mom in McDonald's in the mall. This guy turns around stops... and stands 2 feet in front of me, looks at me in the eyes for 30 seconds, . I'm thinking "wtf is this guy looking at?" and he says "Do you wear contacts?" I reply "no" and (here it comes the worst pickup line ever) right in front of my mom he says "Good, because it would be a real shame if your eyes weren't real." Thank god mom still remembers that cuz she'll never let me forget. Thanks random McDonald's guy.

tip: don't hit on 14 year-olds when they are with their mother.

2) Follow her around the Met until she has to fake a friends phone call
When I was 20 I thought it would be so nice to enjoy a day alone at the Met. So on a day off from my internship I trekked over to the Met, made my nominal donation and started my solitary tour. Unfortunately—just as I was passing the Kiki Smith sculpture on the 2nd floor—I was spotted and from there on I was unable to dodge an unwanted companion. I did repeatedly say "I would like to just enjoy this by myself" and "I'll be going this way now." But it was like he just didn't hear me or something and I could not get rid of him. So, I decided I needed to leave for the day. (Sorry, Frederich Church I'll be back again soon). I faked a phone call and ran for the subway! Well the story does not end there. A few months later I was at the Virgin Mega store in Union Sq. looking for a friends CD. I looked up and on the other side of the CD rack was my Met friend staring back at me. He proceeded to yell at me over the CD rack for not calling him and giving him a wrong phone number. I ran away again. I guess in this case I'm just annoyed that I didn't get to finish my museum day or my cd shopping.

tip: learn to take a hint or learn to take a blatant NO. I think No means no in every language?

3) Chase after her, begging for her phone number
This one was pretty all around a lame move. I guess if you think you'll never see someone again and that solely based on looks—as she passes you by on her way to well anywhere—that you might be soul mates, go for it.

However, I was 20 (apparently that was the year to get random acts of guy-ness inflicted on me) and I was walking to the laundry mat and I hear someone running behind me. So I kinda duck like "OMG someone is coming up behind me in Brooklyn NY. Jesus am I about to get mugged for my laundry quarters?!"

It turns out some guy just wanted my phone number. No, I never got this guys name but he sure did scare the crap outta me for a bit.

Tip: Don't run up behind a girl to get her phone number she might think you're about to mug her.

4) Declare utter contempt and hate for her occupation while you're holding her backpack hostage.
This one is a doosey!

So I'm 20, yet again. Maybe it was the "new to NYC syndrome." Anyway, I was waiting for Jedd after our internship jobs and I was sitting in Washington Sq. Park. It was a nice summer day and a film/photography student comes up to me to talk.

He was interesting enough so I agree to go have a glass of wine with him. We went to a place on MacDougal St. and got a glass of wine as we were leaving my backpack's zipper broke. (Okay here is one very dumb girl moment). Instead of just saying "bye, thanks for the drink I'm going home" I agreed to let him put my broken backpack in his apt. doh!!!!!

So, then we went for a walk and ended up like way down by battery park, from Washington Sq to battery park is quite the walk. I must note that he was normal until we headed back to NYU area. We started to talk about artists and he told me he "hated all artists of any kind!"

BTW I'm an artist. So that was kinda awkward.

finally!!! an hour later I had my backpack back in my possession and for some odd reason the guy thought I wouldn't call him even though he gave me his phone number so he basically begged me to call him for 15 min right outside the 8th St. NW train stop... I assured him I'd call. ;-)

tip: Don't tell her you hate her occupation... and NEVER beg her to call you (I deleted his # the second I got to the subway platform.. ewe)

5) Acquire a "Bandanna" do
I should have known from his pick-up line that he was not the sharpest crayola in the box.
Anyway, when I met Mr. Bandanna, he said "oh does your cell phone take pictures" yes that was the pickup line. Anyway, he got my attention and later that night won me over by cooking some really great after bar food.

I ended up dating Mr. Bandanna for 7 months and the whole time he wore either a hat or a bandanna... AT ALL TIMES!!!

Naturally, I tried to take his hat off once or twice and he told me that he had recently gotten a bad haircut from a drunken friend. mm hmmm.

Well I found out the truth after I broke it off. I was speaking with a guy friend and he said "Oh you broke up with that guy? Good. He used to lie to his ex-girlfriend about stuff." Intrigued, I said "like what kind of stuff?" he replied "oh, like he'd wear a toupee and lie about it, he told her it wasn't a toupee"

tip: don't hide baldness and tell her it's from a "bad haircut," we don't mind as long as you don't hide it.

6) Get caught sighing on her voice mail
oh dear oh dear. I actually liked this guy at one point. Oh well, I guess the longer I hold out the crazier they get.

If you are looking to impress a girl, do NOT repeatedly call her at the very last minute and try to visit her apartment. It's just not appropriate. But alas, some guy thought I would be down with it after just meeting him on the train. So, after telling him several times, I'd rather just meet at a bar or lounge or anywhere but my apartment, this guy still didn't give up. So I had to stop answering his phone calls.

Anyway, I may have even given him another chance except the last time he called he "accidentally" left a voice mail of him sighing... that's it just a "ughhhhh" over the fact I didn't answer. Sorry man.

tip: You can sigh when being rejected, just don't get caught.

7) Stop your vehicle in the middle of park avenue to acquire a phone number

First of all it's not very safe. Second of all it makes you look like a crazy person. Nonetheless, I guess age has no effect on who will and who won't do crazy things to get a girl's attention.

One cold NY day this older man (who had a very appropriate name actually) just needed to get my number so badly he almost ran over the median (and me) in his SUV. I mean c'mon I know blond hair is a little rare in NY but really I'm not that distracting. So please do not endanger the public or your safety in an attempt to get a girls number.

tip: Driving rules still apply even if a girl crosses the street in front of you.

8) Declare love for her hair and eye color in a voice mail
I was 26 in the park after a long long weekend of school. I didn't even have any makeup on. I was wearing torn jeans and a U.S.M.C. hooded sweatshirt. His pickup line was "Can I sit here?" I didn't care where he sat because I was just done with a long weekend of grad-school and enjoying having nothing to do (really I didn't know what to do with myself). I had a boyfriend and even mentioned my bf at the time but I guess he didn't care.

I never spoke with this guy again but I was duped into thinking he was normal and I did share my phone # with him after a few "normal" emails (shit). So, one night I got a voicemail that states... " I have feelings for you and 50% of it has to do with your hair color, another 20% of it is your eye color and the rest of it is your personality..."

hair color and eye color are not good enough reasons to be head-over-heels.

So that is it. Perhaps one of you gentlemen can explain it all. Or not. either way it's kinda funny.
Na' night and I really hope girls are not this crazy but I have a feeling some are.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

NY is people!!!!!!!!

People are amazing. I mean the normal every day person not the superstar, not the super athlete, but YOU... is what makes life worth living, makes every day... a day. I agree those super-people are good at looking good on a camera or swimming really ridiculously fast but they are not what makes life simply beautiful and amazing. It's friends, family, and that nice girl who knows your coffee order by heart even after you avoided her for 6 months, the chick who sometimes beats you to the exact spot where the train door opens in the morning (we both know that we both know... grrrr), or the annoying panhandler who always asks for cash OR a smile (but at least you don't feel bad just smiling, I'll keep my cash thank you).
So, I guess if there is one thing I've learned in NY it is that people matter. Yeah I want them all out of my way 99.999% of the time BUT I think I secretly like it and without everyone there would be no magic. Nothing to question. No buzz or vibe in the air to get you charged.
So, thanks NY for being absolutely annoying and amazing at the same time. hm...Now I'm just more confused than when I began this. great.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Your heart is true... your a pal and a confidant.

Thank you for bein' a friend!

I was chatting with a friend (Stacey) and I think I realized why people like Facebook or why they read other peoples' blogs. It's simple, either they are a bit of voyeur/stalker or they love to see stuff about themselves. So, in hopes that my friends stop by MY blog, or some voyeurs want to know more about other peoples' lives, here's my "friend blog." It goes from long-term friendships to more recent newbies. :-)

Stacey Karnitz-Kielcheski
years known: 15-ish
location now: Antigo, WI
How we met: I think it was in band, Stacey played the flute, I played the trumpet. The rest is history.

Since then: Stacey and I have had many adventures: Camping in my back yard; Going to Michigan with her family and listening to "paint it black" in the back of her Dad's truck; Hanging out in Grandmas house with a TP tail; her awesome wedding where I got pegged as the first drunk brides made; And now I'm the god mother to her baby Aidan.

Eric Knecht (aka "pen pal" or "E")
years known:14-ish (yeah more than I thought actually)
location now: Kailua, HI
How we met: Church Camp. I was grounded and sent to church camp with Aunt Judy, he was picked up straight from skateboarding and driven to church camp. They made us mingle with the other 'Catholic Charismatic youths,' I looked around and saw someone more miserable than me in a hooded sweatshirt, jeans and airwalks (or something similar) and said "hi, I'm Kate how do you say your last name?" THE END.

Since then: We were pen pals for years, we wrote lots of novels to each other about life, stuff and more life stuff. We did the on-and-off friends thing for a while. So we refused to talk to each other for like 2 or 4-5 years and then eventually someone picks up the phone, usually Eric. Also we've had the occasional play dates: Little Chute, WI, Madison,WI, Antigo,WI, New York, NY, Oahu, HI, and Chicago, IL (or nearby). And who knows where we'll meet next I'd really like to see Hawaii again while he's there.

Dana Hallisy
years known: 13-ish
location now: Appleton, WI
How we met: Tom McNeil's Cabin (I think). Also she dated a guy I dated briefly (Ryan) and I dated CJ who she was very close with... or we met in Math Class. I'm not really sure but I remember that Stacey was hanging out with Dana and I thought "I really want to be friends with that girl" so I made it happen.

Since then: We went to UWSP together, almost killed each other over the placement of silverware & boyfriend sleepovers but made up over the offer of a Brandy Ol' Fashioned. Now Dana has a little boy Jalen and is soon to be married! She's my little D and I love her.
Jedd Flanscha
years known: 9
Location: NY, NY
How we met: Hm. Technically we first met at dorm orientation freshman year. Or when we had like ALL of our classes together at the Art building. However, this is how we really met: We were freshman and wanted to get drunk. So we both went to the swimmers house party. I went upstairs to use the facilities and met Jedd parked by the kitchen sink with a glass of water. He had a bit too much to drink and his friends parked him there. So I said "hi, you're in my art classes.. and you live in my dorm."

Since then: Jedd and I both had our internships in NYC. He worked for Penguin Publishing & I slaved for Art in America Magazine. We spent that summer as poor-assed interns in NY and loved it. I think the enjoyment could be blamed on Kmart in Astor place and a place called Stingy LuLu's. Eventually, we both moved back to NY after graduating from UWSP. Jedd moved 6 months before me and since I was here visiting, I picked him up from the airport and got his apartment keys for him even though I didn't live here yet. (yeah kinda bizzare).

Beth Zold
years known: 8-ish
location now: Normal, IL
How we met: Beth was a desk worker when I started working at Burroughs Hall as a CA (RA for everyone who didn't go to UWSP).

Since then: Just before I began grad school, Beth asked if I'd like to travel with her. I said yes. We went to Dublin, Galway, London, Bath and Belfast. It was the first time I'd been out of the U.S. (other than Canada) and same for Beth. I had some Guinness and spilled it all, Beth had a Harp and didn't spill hers. We hung our heads over a cliff where tourists sometimes die. And had some more great beer while we watched some little kids do that Irish dance thing. Then we took a jaunt over to London but saw Harry Potter in Bath (where they serve ale in the theater, yeah!). And finally we contemplated the creation of Giants Causeway after a lovely hike over a rope bridge. Hey Beth, let's do that again but maybe somewhere where it's warm and not raining.

Liz Vanlysal
years known: 7-ish
location now: Milwaukee, WI
How we met: The first time we met was in George Henze's apartment. I was there to welcome my new Co-CA (co-RA) Liz to Burroughs Hall. Then we went a summer before seeing each other again and in the fall of 2001 BAM Insta-friends. Well, it mostly had to do with Liz's great selection of movies and large TV!

Since then: I tried to show Liz my boobs every day for about a year with no success. We made some AWESOME bulletin boards together and then she moved to another hall. Now we i-chat all day while I'm at work in NY and she's in WI. Also, there's the occasional phone call and trips from NYC to Milwaukee and from Milwaukee to NYC. She's welcome anytime! but I need notice so I can ship my cat out (she's allergic).

Aren Olsen
years known: 7-ish
location now: NY, NY
How we met: August 17, 2001. I was visiting Dana in Stevens Point. Dana and I went to a concert, Dana's roommate drank our booze during the concert, so we went to Andrea Wetzel's house where the Band was after the concert with beer. Voila! I met Aren (aka Gunnar the drummer). He gave me a "punisher" which is not bad or anything, just a sneaky kiss.

Since then: I dated Aren for 4 years with a break here or there. Then I moved to NYC to live in a house with him and his band mates. That was interesting. Well, we broke up. I moved out and now we still have similar tastes in food and drink so why throw that away too?

In the end I guess Aren and I were more than just bf /gf.. we ended up actually being friends. Go figure. Well, he watches my cat too so I need to keep him in the loop.

Joni Warren
years known: 4
Location: NY, NY
How we met: For the first job I had in NYC, I interviewed first and Joni interviewed 2nd. Luckily we both got the job otherwise we wouldn't be friends. After meeting Joni, we found out we had lots of stuff in common. We're both tall (Joni is one of the only girls taller than me). We both look great in heels. We both love beer and food!!! We are both from the Midwest (Joni's from Louisville, KY). Both Leos. We both HAD boyfriends in bands. And we both lived in the shittiest part of Bushwick, NY.

Since then: Joni moved away to Florida. Then she promptly decided to move back to NYC after contemplating Cello lessons to relieve her Floridian boredom. Recently she had a surprise party for her bf which was awesome. However, we've been doing the "we MUST hang out soon" routine for a while. So JONI, we need to hang out again soon! Miss ya.

Shannon Blazek (mystery friend aka L.A.)
years known: 3 1/2
location now: Cedar Rapids, IA
How we met: He was the first guy I'd ever seen with dreadlocks and a long beard (that I think had like rubber bands in it) sitting in a martini bar in Stevens Point. As an Aquarius, Shannon was highly interesting to this Leo. So I HAD to talk to him. Correction: The Aquarius was the one that approached [me], and the first exchange of words was "you smell" from the hippy looking dude. Finally after egging me on all night, he gave me his email and I emailed him from my cell phone which I guess was impressive that I had some knowledge of technology. I guess girls in Iowa are lagging in technology?

Since then: We've become phone pals and chat about life, work, girls, boys, etc. And although we've only met once, we keep in touch. He calls me NY and I call him LA. So, take it easy LA.

Sarah Boyd
years known: 3-ish
location now: Brooklyn, NY
How we met: Awe. I kept touching her boob by accident.

Well here's the whole story. Sarah started working for NYSC a few years ago and her first week I guess I was a "hand-talker" cuz I kept accidentally touching her boob when explaining something with my hands. Well this went on the whole week and I'm lucky she didn't file a sexual harassment complaint on me because I just couldn't control my hands. Anyway at the end of the week we went for drinks and I touched her butt my accident too! So, I told her "Seriously I'm not trying to do this but you totally need to get even so... Go ahead you can touch my boob." So by the 2nd drink we had officially sealed the deal as New BFFs.

Since then: I've had the fortune of working with Sarah again at mark; I was at the hospital the day after she had Lily and Logan; I've gotten to eat her homemade frozen yogurt and packed a picnic to share in the ghetto grass of Union Sq.... and I'll hopefully see her this week or next Oh maybe Today!

Lauren Townsend
years known: 2-ish
location now: NY, NY
How we met: The first day I met Lauren she was wearing an H&M white top with tiny black polka-dots. She picked me up from Avon reception and was like "Hi, I'm Lauren" anyone who knows her also knows there is a sweet tone of voice that goes with that.

Since then: As it turns out Lauren and I both like wine. We HAD this cute little wine bar that was ours... then it turned into a speakeasy type of beer bar. And I'm too afraid to try it out cuz it's just this black door with a white buzzer who knows what could happen. (matrix?)

So, although I don't see Lauren as much as I would like to lately (since she ditched this job to go work for herself ((pure genius)), I still talk to her occasionally. Actually we are very overdue for a hangout session I'm going to have to amend it this week. Watch out Lauren we are going to hang out soon.
Mike DiTomo
years known: 1+ a few months
location now: Bethlehem, PA (soon to be NYC)
how we met: Pratt DM. It's not that I'm not friends with other people from school but Mike is the only one I really talk to frequently (every day, all day on i-chat). Also, we might move in together this December and I don't want that awkward moment of "so, I saw your friend blog... I'm not on it? huh."

Since then: ... tk

THE END! Those are all the friends I have.

Actually no, that isn't true. If you'd check the number of friends on my facebook profile you would know that I have like hundreds of friends. However, these are the people I talk to a lot lately. So, for the most part they are the only important ones. I'm sorry if you did not make the cut but better luck next time. Perhaps if you made more of an effort... ;-)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

It takes a Hurricane to Clean up NYC

New York smells, and it smells pretty bad. You can ask anyone who's been here or lives here. There are these "pockets" of smells that you run into on your way to work, in the park or just going to get groceries. I know Wisconsin has skunk smell, fresh manure smell, and the occasional dead animal on the side of the road smell, but the smells here are much much more offensive (yes more offensive than dead deer or the neighbor "spreading"). Usually a normal storm in NY just kinda re-wets the dried smells and although you'd hope that rain would wash all that nastiness away... there's much more nastiness than you can imagine.

WELLLLL, yesterday Hurricane Hannah down poured on NYC from 2pm until I was passed out with my cat (so like 2am ish). And this morning I was pleasantly surprised to not smell New York! It was very noticeably CLEAN!!!!! AND very exciting. There was rubbish on the street but it was mostly leaves and twigs (well a few cigarette butts too) but that is not normal for this location.

Even my friend Aren—who is a native New Yorker—noticed the difference. He was in Brazil/Peru for the past few weeks and he was so lucky to come back today to a clean/fresh/sunny NYC. When I came back from Wisconsin it was 80 degrees at 8pm and sticky. Also I was fortunate enough to get a true NYC welcome from the cab driver who took me home. He must have had his windows closed all day and I'm thinking he didn't believe in artificial deoderizers. ewww.

So anyway, I guess it takes a Hurricane to downpour on NY to get that grossness out. Regardless It was the nicest walk to school this morning and I wish it could smell this fresh every day! Yay for Hurricane Hannah.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

No Grandma, I'm not running the marathon this year.

Today—on my way back to NY from Wisconsin—my dad and I stopped by my grandparents place (his parents) and the first thing grandma said to me, before even saying hello, was "so your not running the marathon anymore huh?" I should precursor that with the fact that grandma is not 100% all there all the time. But that was the first thing she said and it really stuck with me. Thanks Grandma.
For the record, Grandma has always had the knack of saying things that shouldn't effect you but somehow do because of her 'graceful tact'. For instance phrases like "oh you've trimmed down since the last time I saw you." or "your hair looks much better now" were common instead of something simple like "you look nice." It is just one of the things we will always love about Grandma Fischer.

Anyway, nope I'm NOT running the marathon again this year. I do have guaranteed entry to the NYC ING marathon but I'm not doing it. I'm sort of bummed... no, I'm really bummed. I want to run it but I guess we make sacrifices for the other things in life that we must do. The reason I have to forgo yet another year is school. School is keeping me very busy, which I'm beginning to really despise. I know it's supposed to add another layer to who I am and it's an education so "no one can take that away from me." But I'm venting and feel like I'm slightly loosing touch with the things I really love to do. grrr.

So that's it. I'm not running it. I guess I'll save my entry for next year and then I will have no excuse to cancel my registration. I just miss that adreneline rush that you get from it. Oh well, I'm going to pass out now and leave this post with some great pics from the year I DID run the ING NYC marathon in 2006. Maybe I can get some more friends and family to come out and cheer me on in 2009. :-) Good night!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Countdown to Conference time!

Just waiting for a skype conference call to begin so I thought I'd go a little nutso with the photobooth images. Basically, I really hate to be late. Correction: if I can help it I'm never late. So when I have a conference call I am online for like 20 min to a half hour prior. It's just a little Kate quirk. I'm perpetually early if I can be. It's kind of a burden. So I'm filling some of that time with well... this.
So, here is the early-to-conference-call routine :
1) pick up a bottle of red or white wine on the way home OR
1) hurry home and run in Astoria Park (preferably 5.5-6 miles)
2) hurry home, shower or crack the bottle of red wine
3) turn on some tunes (thank you ex-bf for a nice Bose sound doc!)
4) go online, do some homework or ... or... that's about it. do some homework.
5) call mom but establish the fact that I have a conference call so I will need to go soon. OR
5) Call Stacey and do the same.
6) log on to skype... and ichat... no one is on. hmph.
7) 10 more minutes to waste...........
8) finish my very tiny but very needed glass of wine!
9) oh, I hear skype bubbles (claire arrives early too)...Conference begins! woot.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Too old to start blogging?

I just turned 27, and I know that's not "old" by any means but I feel a little old be doing my first blog ever. But here it goes. I suppose I don't really have to share it with anyone anyway. But I will.

I'm starting it now because I'm easily influenced by those around me. And when I say those around me, I'm really referring to like 2 friends who blog and I want to be cool like them. I guess I can send my mom here to keep her posted as well.

So, I've lived in NYC for a little over 4 years and I've realized either I've lost all of my NY pictures or I just don't really take pictures of New York. I think some of that has to do with the fact that I've never gotten to be a tourist in NY. I came here for an internship the first time when I was 20 and it's kinda that situation where you have to like it because your going to live here for a while and fortunately for me I loved it. So when I finally moved here for good (or for now) I packed up all my belongings, had a rummage sale at my parents home in Wisconsin and sold or gave away everything that didn't fit into two suitcases. I owned 3 pairs of shoes when I moved here--1-dress shoe, 1 for running, 1 caual/work shoe.

Recently, I've found that I want to get back to that simplicity. It was out of necessity then but now I just have too much stuff. so my goal for the next few months is to cut down. It is not easy however, I've already tried and I keep having to buy more stuff for graduate school so every time I get rid of one thing I buy 5 more books. ugh.

I'm going to grad school at Pratt for Design Management--the identification and allocation of creative assets for a sustainable strategic advantage--and I spend most of my time at work, at school or on conference calls. I periodically take a photobooth shot mid-homework to remember how great the hard work is (or how great it will be to be done in May).

When I get a moment to myself I grab my running shoes and hit up the parks or gym. It will all be worth it as my friend Eric says "when [I'm] rolling around in [my] billions of $$." And I really hope so!

Lately there has been this huge urge to travel in the back of my mind. My friend Sarah showed me wherethehellismatt.com and I just can't wait to finish school and make some travel plans. I'd love to figure out how to travel for work, I guess I have 7 months to figure that out. For now Wisconsin will have to be the furthest I travel until thesis is complete. That's fine with me tho, I'll get to have some good beer in a few weeks. What Wisco girl could turn down beer?