Saturday, May 29, 2010

No More Dead Ends

I'm totally stoked today. I just cut my own hair and it does not suck.

I've trimmed my own hair before but never given myself a real hair cut.

I am becoming a seasoned hair cutter. Every Sunday is haircut day for Eric. Instead of using a barber he has--conveniently for him--trained me to give him a nice clean man cut. I've gotten used to using clippers and I think I even do a decent fade. However, I'm a girl so unless I want to look like a boy I've got to use different techniques when cutting my hair.

Eric helped me last time and gave me a decent cut. It was pretty standard but clean and looked better with less dead gross dyed ends. The bangs got a little over cut last time. I take full credit and I persevered with a few bobby pins until they were long enough to let down.

So today I decided I needed a new do. I'm trying to grow out the disgusting dyed blonde hairs and cut them off. I'm about halfway so I can't quite get rid of all of them and I do not look nice with a bob. I weighed all my options and got a pair of scissors, well two pairs of scissors. An hour later, voila! I'm super stoked that I cut my own hair today. There are still some dead gross dyed ends that remain but now they look a little bit nicer and I've gotten rid of a whole dustpan full of grossness.


1 Week ago: My hair was out of control!!! Gross.

Today: Post haircut

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What's for dinner? Detox Night 4

I'm just not as inspired tonight. I had a long day and was the last one to leave work tonight. So, when getting home I just wanted to eat and not do anything.

With that said, it wasn't a bad dinner by any means and I managed to get slightly creative when putting it all together. But it was more of a standard "I just need to eat" dinner.

The menu:
Detox Scallop Paella
Although I could have gone with rice, it would have taken too long to make and tonight's dinner was about quick and easy. So it's a Quinoa paella with scallops, parsnips, carrots and broccoli. Topped with red onions and served with a avocado slices.
After the blueberry passion fruit with mint last night, I am pretty excited about making desserts that are satisfying yet healthy. They'll never be similar to a bowl of ice cream but I'd like to think that my desserts are a bit more posh and would possibly cost more in a restaurant. Anyway, tonight I went with a soy banana-passion fruit smoothie with frozen blueberries and mint leaves.

Time for bed!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What's for dinner? Detox Night 3

Since I added the creative element of blogging to my detox, I'm more excited about having a meal that is free of wheat, dairy, added sugar and added sodium. I suppose the rice noodles constitute as processed but everything else is fresh or frozen from fresh.

I've gotten a little creative with tonight's dinner. It was either go shopping for something new or have steamed chicken and some sort of veg again. Blah!

Also, I just got my super awesome discount card for work and was itching to get my 10% discount. So after work I zipped over to the local Asda and got some scallops, fresh herbs and some cheap tights.

I wanted a soup tonight but realised that soup is super bland without salt. To counter that I've added some spice and used very flavourful herbs, and vegetables.

Tonight's Dinner:
Scallop and Rice Noodle Stew:
I lightly pan fried scallops, scallions and garlic with a spritz of olive oil. Once the garlic turned brown I added enough water to make a soup. Then I chopped red chillies for a spice and parsnips for flavor. I'm addicted to these tiny baby mushrooms, so I threw in a handful of those as well and then gave the soup a squirt of lemon. Finally the rice noodles went in just before the soup was finished.

Bonus: Eric's out of town and since we only have 1 set of chopsticks I got to use them (it's my fault we only have one set, I lost one under our porch).

Tonight I was craving a bit more. I'm jones-ing a bit for sweets so I made a detox dessert.

Passion fruit and chilled blueberries with mint.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What's for dinner? Detox Dinner: Night 2

I've got a lot of work I still need to do tonight so I'll make this brief.

Tonight's dinner:
Wheat free, gluten free rice noodles with steamed chicken breast bits, parsnips, carrots and green beans. Topped with pepper and a bit of cilantro (coriander for the Brits).

To drink: I've gone for water flavored with clementine and lime juice.

And-- yep I'm shamelessly promoting my employer-- all purchased at Asda. I think the parsnips were even Smart Price.

Monday, May 10, 2010

What's for dinner? Detox Dinner: Night 1

Eric went out of town and I decided it was time for a detox. Not that I'm a drug addict or anything but I have been known to hit the bottle over the past few (cold) months.

Anyway I'm going substance free for a week and maybe more. No Alcohol, no caffine, no wheat, no dairy, no added sugars, no added salt or sodium and no processed foods. Let's see if I can keep up the nightly posts of "what's for dinner?". However, knowing me, I will probably stick with the same meal every night this week until I run out and have to buy more un-processed food.

Tonight's Special:

Steamed chicken breast and vegetables seasoned with tyme, pepper and lemon and lightly dusted with olive oil. Served over a bed of watercress and avocado with a side of Quinoa. Finished off with a topping of salad cress for colour and crunch!

ps. It's actually really yummy!