Friday, May 22, 2009

And boy did that fat lady sing...

(My Real Family ((Mom & Dad)) and my work family ((Anita, Sarah J., Rob, Elizabeth...Cathy, & Blake).

(And just a few from my ex-school family, Casey, Me, Mike & Renee)

Yay, I'm finally all done with school, graduation parties, and drinking away the slight depression that follows the ending of an era of my life.

This past monday was my big graduation day at the famed Radio City Music Hall. Yes for all of my musical friends, I did get to walk across the stage and sorry Aren but I got to be there before you.

Mom and Dad flew all the way from Antigo, Wisconsin to see me graduate. It was pretty cool. They have visited me twice in the past 5 years and this was the 2nd time. I didn't think I would care if they came or not but I realized on graduation day––as I was standing outside of Radio City Music Hall–– it would really suck if I didn't have someone waiting for me when I was done. I'm really glad they made it and I really enjoyed their visit it meant a lot that they could share that moment with me. We saw a Broadway show with Angela Lansbury, rode the tourist bus to Harlem and back, ate some exotic foods in Chinatown and k-town, and got tipsy in their hotel room. It was fun.

I think I'm finally adjusting to not having homework to do. My initial instinct is to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL and I have been doing quite well at that since the last day of class. Well, that's not totally true, I've been partying a lot and watching a ton of Netflix. But I do think I'm getting to the point where I'm ready for my next big adventure and to start working towards it.

I've decided to try something new but in pure fear of counting unhatched chickens I'm not going to post it on here yet. I have lots of planning to do before I'll do that. But It does required that I move out of NYC... So that's enough of a preview to my big plan for now.

There are also some immediate plans I need to get out of the way and I'll broadcast them loudly for all to hear (or read). They are:
  • Finish my Spin Instructor certification (just completed!!!)
  • Throw the awesomest 80's Bachelorette party for my BFF Dana (Next weekend)
  • Gather as many freelance projects and clients as possible (hint, hint, for anyone reading this, Hook me up!!!)
  • Update my website/business cards/Resume/CV
  • Design a super sweet Logo for a Life Coach/Creative Wings
  • Design another banner for Words At Play (going for better than the last one I did)
  • Run another Marathon this year (in NY or elsewhere, I hear in Germany they drink beer and eat bratwurst after their done)
(See I really did it, I'm now a Certified Spin® instructor, yay!)

(My Totally 80s Bodacious Bachelorette Party Outfit... hells yeah! I'm way better at dressing 80s now than I was in the 80s)

So there's my short list. I'm still a busy busy girl I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have it any other way.

I woke up this week realizing that although Dad was a cop for 30 years and worked at one job, he was actually an entrepreneur at heart. He was always doing something on the side, building houses, mounting game (yes taxidermy), cutting wood to sell or boughs for wreaths. Anyway this made me realize I think I have a little bit of that in me. I like design, and maybe I'll be a designer/manager for a job but I'm also going to try my hand at the Spin instructor thing, and see what else I can dabble in to keep my curiosities satisfied. I might even pick up my camera again and start shooting again. But I'm happy like this and just doing what my heart tells me to do.

Oh but first I have to pick up my diploma.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Phase III: And You call yourself a DMer?

(the goodbye party that the 2nd year DM class threw for us... it was great)

I just finished my degree in Design Management which is defined as:
The identification and allocation of creative assets for a sustainable strategic advantage.

In plain English, Design Managers (DMers) figure out what they've got for themselves or organizations that is awesome and that no one else has, then they find out where the cracks are and guard them so no one else can poke at them, Set up their awesomeness to not do to harm others or the planet and if possible benefit people and the planet, and then make some (lots of) money while doing it.

I've been in a funk (and finding out my fellow DMers are in the same funk). So today I put down the German Chocolate Cat Tongues and had a *smacks the head* moment....DUH I need to analyze my problem and discover my "key findings" so that I can develop personal recommendations. Whew!

This revelation came after IMing with a classmate yesterday and then by chance I happened to run into two more classmates last night while I was out with Sarah S. (Merv on the V train and Lydia while I was having Red Mango).

All signs point to getting my DM on so Here we go: We'll start with the first tool we learned in school... S.W.O.T (or S.P.O.T if you're Richard). P.S. this will be a little hard cuz SWOT is meant for analyzing a company but hey it works on everything... I think.

Strengths of the Completion of Grad school
  • Realization of Free-time
  • A Degree that "will get me ahead in life"
  • Beginning of a new Era
  • A Huge toolbox of DM tools
  • Network of DMers
  • Advantage over other job applicants
  • A really silly but cool cap/gown/sash-thing
  • Time to develop own thoughts/ work on DM
Weaknesses (Problems if you're Richard)
  • End of an old Era
  • Loss of continuous intellectual challenges
  • Missing classmates and routines
  • Not being challenged to present
  • Not being challenged
  • Expressing ideas to new people
  • Spreading the DM love
  • New ventures/jobs/opportunities
  • A changing economic climate
  • Techmology (Listen to Merv: Twitter, Facebook, Skype, blogspot, Etsy, and more!!!!)
  • Websites/Newsletters/Eblasts (create our own community)
  • Our own DM network=our own DM organization? Free?
  • DMI (get involved)
  • The Pratt review/Catalyst
  • more tk...........

  • Lack of courage (but Jackie's class fixed that)
  • Current jobs lacking support
  • Global meltdown
  • End of the world
  • Massive Swine Flu Epidemic
  • Becoming Disconnected!!!!
Key Finding from SWOT:
I'm fearing losing touch with my classmates and still want the challenging atmosphere we gave eachother.
NEXT: I'd like to run through the Deming Cycle with the Key Finding and see what I come up with.

I will not loose contact with my DM classmates. Sorry dudes, your stuck with me. I will create some sort of community to keep us on a touch-base level. We're some smart assed people and I'd hate to lose that. Lydia mentioned a website? I'm interested. I always thought a Skype/conference call night would be hilarious.

Do: Okay so this I now need to Do. I will send this blog to all of my classmates and they'll know my intentions and craziness at a new level. Then if they still want to talk to me... we'll KIT.

Check: Richa is good at checking on things so I'll put her in charge of this checking part. Richa... you need to check on this. Thank you! And in Richa's absense I think I'll appoint Nicole to check on it. She's a good checker too, but I don't really trust that Mike character, he was sketchy.

Act: Based on Richa's or Nicole's checking... we will act and make the changes necessary. So if this plan ends up being a website... or a conference call or just a stupid 'Wisconsin Girl In NY/UK" blog... we'll make the changes Richa or Nichole deem necessary then start the lovely Deming Cycle over.

Ha, there we go, one problem solved and it only took two tools... Well for now. I think I might have missed some Key Findings (like the insy weensy challenge at work thing) and may need to go back but that's enough for tonight. Maybe tomorrow I'll attempt a value chain exercise or go crazy and run it through the acclaimed GADMAP process.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Phase II: Happy/Sad

Okay so I've moved on to the next 'phase' of ending school.

I'd have to say this phase is very conflicting and annoying and I hope it passes in a day just like "forgetting something" did. I woke up really really tired today and I went to bed early compared to what I usually do. I had charlie horse cramps all night and bizarre dreams that had nothing to do with school or work and I don't remember them now but I didn't like them much.

I think I actually picked my outfit to match my mood. Red & Gray = Happy & Sad. I wanted to wear bright colors today since it's been sooooo gloomy outside this week (rain rain rain). But then I realized my office is like an icebox in Antarctica and so that I didn't have to huddle next to my G5 tower for warmth all day, I put a long sleeved gray "cardigan/robe-like thing over the top." It's usually my favorite cover-up cuz it feels like going to work in PJs but I always get a million compliments on it. However, today I just feel dopey.

(a peek at today's outift with the bland office floor backdrop. Oh and I forgot to mention I even pulled out the flower shoes, I really wanted to be happy today, I'm covered in flowers and butterflies that aren't doing the trick)

After a rather irritating morning meeting, I decided to try to fix my mood. I kept looking at my sad chipping nails thinking... I want to fix these, they look bad. So I decided to be a complete risk taker and actually leave the office to venture into the outside world during lunch to get my nails done. It's really something I've never done so I thought the excitement of actually taking a half-hour lunch would put me straight. Nope... But I do have some really hot nails now. I went for the hottest color thinking it would perk me right up. Don't get me wrong I love them!!! But it didn't do the trick and I think I'll need to take more drastic measures to move on to Phase III, whatever that will be.

(My nails in OPI My Chihuahua Bites. I don't have a dog but my cat does bite)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Phase I: I'm forgetting something

Welllllllll, it's over. All over. I'm talking about Grad school. I'm not going to take my life or anything and leave a devastating blog to tell everyone. That would be sick. I'm 100% sane (I think) and healthy so no, there is no goodbye letter today.

I'm kinda hesitant to leave a "I'm done" blog so I think I'll have a few posts rather than one. I'm definitely going to go through some 'phases.' I think this is will help me come to grips with the things I no longer have to sacrifice in life, and the crazy things I had to commit to.

I am in denial right now. I could not leave my apartment this morning because I thought "I was forgetting something." I do not feel done. The same thing happened when I left work today. I stood facing my cubical thinking "where am I going? I'm forgetting something." This lasted a bit too long so I know I'm in denial now.

So yes, we'll ease into this transition from crazy life to real life. I'll start with coming to grips with all of the things I no longer will sacrifice for the good of my education.

I no longer will give up:
  • SLEEP!!!! 2-4 hours is NOT adequate
  • Eating dinner at a table without a electronic device in front of me. The laptop is probably not good on the food or me.
  • Eating 'real' meals. Apparently an avocado and red wine is not considered 'dinner.' Ha, who knew.
  • Spending time with my friends.
  • Running or Spinning when I want and not just when I have enough time to.
  • Cuddling with my cat (yes we cuddle, and mostly on the weekends. We have a date for Saturday morning actually, she's stoked).
  • My precious weekends. I will give them up to Netflix, weekend trips, and sleep instead.
  • Brunch. (Jeewon, we will be 'those' people again)
  • Clean clothes (p.s. I always had clean undies even if I had to buy more, i do have limits)
  • A tidy apartment... you DON't want to know how bad it got. uuuuhhh. It still gives me nightmares.
  • A full refrigerator
  • Healthy food
  • My personal alone time. Believe it or not, I'm an introvert and that means I went through 90% of grad school not in my prime energy level, just imagine if y'all left me alone...
  • Reading for enjoyment. I have two books lined up thanks to Sarah Schlow.
  • Getting my nails done (I am a Wisco girl, but I DO live in NY)
  • An Amazing BEER on a Friday night.
  • Moisturizing! I realized I'd forgotten about this after talking to Richa on Saturday. She was amazed that she had time to moisturize before school that weekend and I realized I had forgotten about that luxury.
  • Going home for Thanksgiving which is more fun since I realized that drinking with Dad is pretty awesome.
  • Shopping for necessities. My cat will appreciate this as well.
  • Going to the Beach. I've never really gone to the beach in NY but... I plan on it this summer.
  • Summer!
  • Going to see movies
  • Waking up Happy!

(me giving up sleep)

(Apples for dinner!)

(Eating dinner—courtesy of Sarah S—in front of my macbook)

(I told you we cuddle)(We really cuddle)

(Not waking up happy)