Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Hero Lives in Brooklyn

I know, two posts in one night? really? yeah really. The reason being however is that A) I just found my new fave wine in my hood and B) I just had a gourmet dinner at home and I'm a grad student. How did that happen you ask? (well you didn't ask, but I want to tell you).
I have a super-fantastic friend, Sarah B. Did I mention she's fantastic?! Not only is she beautiful, smart, witty, and a mom.. but she's extremely giving and takes such good care of me. Apparently she either had wayyyy toooo much left over food or she just wanted to treat me, regardless I had one heck of a 5pm treat today.

Sarah's hubby works for People magazine, which is across the street from my job, and they have two adorable gremlins Lily and Logan. Well, Lil and Lo get to play at day care one day a week while Sarah taps her creative ingenious mind to write for organic beauty products (ones that don't give you rashes or make your face peel off). So today on her way to pick up the little squeeges, she stopped by to say hello AND give me some really great home-cooked food.

I am the luckiest girl alive. SB brought me two perfectly portioned ramekins full of homemade mac-n-cheese with Parmesan cheese topping them and verbal instructions of how to cook it at home in order to make the cheese all crispy on the top (psst Sarah, it worked). Plus, I have a huge bowl of turkey chili waiting for me at work (Yay, lunch for maƱana).
One of the mac-n-cheese ramekins is currently empty and soaking in the sink and the other one will probably only last until tomorrow night (the one pictured is the one I have left. I scarfed the first one so fast I forgot to take a picture of the crispy goodness). I feel so spoiled. I've said it several times but... I need a wife. They are so awesome. But for now--and until I decide to try "playing for the other team"--I am lucky to have such a great friend that cooks for me.

Oh, and to top it off--this is the real jem--she got me Cat Butt Stickers! And apparently from information on the world wide web there is a whole trend of cat butt propoganda (perhaps I'm in the wrong industry). Sarah is a girl after my own heart, she is make your bff mac-n-cheese then buy her cat butt stickers good.
Merci Beaucoup Sarah!

Le Wine Tuesday is Back and More "Barefoot" Than Ever

Okay, you might have guessed I'm not a wine connoisseur. I grew up in Wisconsin where--no kidding--my first taste of wine came from a box. But I know what I like and my taste gets better as I age. (hehe... a wine pun). Anyway, when I was in Hawaii, they had this really cheap yet very good wine brand. It. Was. Everywhere. and it was called Barefoot. I picked up a bottle of the Cabernet Sauvignon as a pre-marine-christmas-party treat to sip while I prepared some killer pigs-in-blankets. Anyway, I thought I said goodbye to my sweet cheap wine as a boarded that Delta flight to NY on Christmas Eve. *tear*

Well, well, well, luckily for me my local wine store has a plethora of wine. I hear abundance and variety is a thing New York has going for it and you won't hear me complaining BECAUSE... I found Barefoot at my wine store in Astoria, NY!

Actually two weeks ago the brand was there but they only had the white stuff. White is good for a warm summer day but I've been on a super red kick as of late (gotta get those antioxidants in if we're going to booze up right?). Anyway I waited... and voila... last night it appeared.

So here I am, about to start a Tuesday night conference call and I'm super happy to be sipping from my $9.99 um... super big bottle of Gold Medal Cabernet Sauvignon. Bring it on conference call, this puppy will last me a while!