Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Le Wine Tuesday is Back and More "Barefoot" Than Ever

Okay, you might have guessed I'm not a wine connoisseur. I grew up in Wisconsin where--no kidding--my first taste of wine came from a box. But I know what I like and my taste gets better as I age. (hehe... a wine pun). Anyway, when I was in Hawaii, they had this really cheap yet very good wine brand. It. Was. Everywhere. and it was called Barefoot. I picked up a bottle of the Cabernet Sauvignon as a pre-marine-christmas-party treat to sip while I prepared some killer pigs-in-blankets. Anyway, I thought I said goodbye to my sweet cheap wine as a boarded that Delta flight to NY on Christmas Eve. *tear*

Well, well, well, luckily for me my local wine store has a plethora of wine. I hear abundance and variety is a thing New York has going for it and you won't hear me complaining BECAUSE... I found Barefoot at my wine store in Astoria, NY!

Actually two weeks ago the brand was there but they only had the white stuff. White is good for a warm summer day but I've been on a super red kick as of late (gotta get those antioxidants in if we're going to booze up right?). Anyway I waited... and voila... last night it appeared.

So here I am, about to start a Tuesday night conference call and I'm super happy to be sipping from my $9.99 um... super big bottle of Gold Medal Cabernet Sauvignon. Bring it on conference call, this puppy will last me a while!


Liz said...

We even have Barefoot in Wisconsin :)

Liz said...

I bought this tonight. I'm excited to try it, b/c the Fish Eye Shiraz I also bought is DISGUSTING.

katefischer said...

ew Fish Eye is disgusting. Not that Barefoot is fancy pants or anything but ew.